We are pleased to present to you some of the finest locations in New York City's Central Park, that will provide the perfect atmosphere for having your wedding event and capturing amazing wedding photographs. Also we will sample some positive tips on "How to Show Appreciation For A Successful Marriage Life!"
Presented By Artlook.
WEST DRIVE BOAT LANDING is located at the shoreline of the lake in Central Park, NYC. It offers a beautiful atmosphere for all your events and an open view of Bow bridge, providing the much needed shelter, outdoor beauty for capturing amazing photographs and enjoying your wedding event ceremony. Expressions of appreciation are essential to a successful marriage. Many husbands and wives, however, stop noticing their partner’s good traits, much less expressing appreciation for them. In the book Emotional Infidelity, one counselor observes that many couples who see him “are much more concerned with what is not happening [in their marriage] than with what is. They’re in my office to tell me what needs to change, not what needs to stay the same. The mistake every one of these couples makes is that they fail to show love through appreciation.”